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Federal Verification: What it Means for You

教育部选择特定的fafsa进行联邦审核.  When this happens, 在发放财政援助之前,财政援助办公室需要审查该学生的其他信息.  

每个学生需要提供的文件都不一样, 所以一定要登录你的My推荐最近最火的赌博软件账户查看缺失的信息.  你也会收到一封电子邮件通知,让你知道需要什么.

Commonly Requested Documents

While each student may have different documentation requirements, here is a list of the most common documents needed. 

Statement of Educational Purpose

此表格必须亲自与财务援助人员或在公证人在场的情况下填写.  Be sure to bring your 政府ernment issued photo identification.


受抚养学生必须提交自己签署的纳税申报表副本, 如果他们提出申请, and their parent(s).  独立学生必须为自己和配偶报税(如果适用的话).  税单应该包括所有的税单和纳税年度的W-2表的复印件. 

If you did not and were not required to file a tax return, you will need to provide documentation of this.  依赖学生在验证工作表上指出他们的非申报状态.  Independent students, 他们的配偶, 和受抚养学生的父母必须提供美国国税局的非申报证明.

Verification Worksheet

学生将在此工作表上提供有关家庭规模和纳税申报状况的信息.  Dependent students will require a parent signature on the form.

Frequently Asked Questions



The Statement of Educational Purpose must be completed in person.  请务必携带政府签发的带照片的身份证件.  你可以 schedule an appointment with our office by using the link above.


如果你不能亲自来学校,那么你必须带一份空白的表格到公证人那里.  向公证员出示政府签发的带照片的原始身份证明,以证明你是你所说的那个人.  Then you must complete the form in front of the notary.  填写完表格后,公证人必须对其进行公证并加盖公章.  将您提交给公证人的政府身份证明复印件复印一份,并将公证表格原件和身份证明复印件邮寄到我们的办公室.  还记得, 我们必须把加盖公证章的正本表格送到我们的办公室, it cannot be scanned or a copy of the original.


Our mailing address is:

Office of Admissions and 金融援助

Weiskotten Hall Room 1213


Syracuse, NY 13210

How do I request verification of nonfiling?

你可以 request a copy of your tax return, called a tax return transcript, directly from the 国税局 online or by mail.   访问 www.国税局.政府 并选择 Get You Tax Record.  Make sure you request a tax RETURN transcript.  We cannot accept a tax account transcript.  If you did not file a tax return, it will display a page that say something along the line of, 未找到记录.  This will meet the requirement for verification of nonfiling.


向我们办公室提交您的税务信息的最快和最安全的方式是返回FAFSA并使用国税局数据检索工具(DRT)。.  DRT会带你到国税局网站,要求你提供身份信息.  请确保您在国税局 DRT中输入的地址与您当年纳税申报单上的地址完全匹配.  例如, 如果你把你的公寓号码写在地址栏而不是公寓号码栏, make sure you enter it the same way on the 国税局 website.  如果你的信息与他们的记录相符,他们将把你的纳税申报单输入到你的FAFSA.  This will fulfill the tax return requirement.  


We will, however, still need copies of the W2s.

What if I don't have a copy of my taxes?

你可以 request a copy of your tax return, called a tax return transcript, directly from the 国税局 online or by mail.   访问 www.国税局.政府 并选择 Get You Tax Record.  Make sure you request a tax RETURN transcript.  We cannot accept a tax account transcript.

I tried to get my tax return at 国税局.政府 but it wouldn't let me. What should I do?

你可以 also request a tax return transcript by completing an 国税局4506-T表 and faxing or mailing it directly to the 国税局.  This method takes much longer to receive a tax return transcript, generally taking 10-15 business days to receive one by mail.  If you have to request a tax return transcript this way, schedule an advisement 与我们办公室联系,让我们知道您的文件将被延迟,我们可以帮助您正确填写.

Why do you need my W2s, isn't that already on my taxes?

W2表格上的信息不是纳税申报表的一部分.  教育部要求这些信息在联邦认证过程中得到验证.  If you worked more than one job in a tax year, please be sure to send copies of ALL the W2s you received.  If you are married, we will need your spouse's W2s.  If you are a dependent student, we will need your parent(s)' W2s.

I filed an amended tax return, what do you need?

如果你修改了你的税单,我们办公室需要一份有签名的1040税表原件 您向国税局提交的经修订的1040X纳税申报表的签名副本.



  • 联系 the 国税局 at 1-800-908-4490
  • Once you've authenticated the tax filer's identity, 美国国税局将邮寄另一份副本的纳税申报人的国税局所得税信息的纳税申报数据库视图(TRDBV)
  • 提供一份由税务申报人签署并注明日期的书面声明,表明他们是美国国税局税务相关身份盗窃的受害者,并且美国国税局已经意识到与税务相关的身份盗窃
  • Submit the letter and the TRDBV to our office alone with any W2s

I filed a non-国税局 Tax return, do you still need my taxes?

A tax filer who filed an income tax return with Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 或者是美国.S. 维尔京群岛可以提供已向相关税务机关提交的所得税申报表的签名副本.  


If the tax filer filed an income tax return on American Samoa, you must provide a copy of the tax account information.  


如果你向另一个国家的税务机关提交了所得税申报表, 您需要提供该文件的认证翻译件.  如果您无法免费取得税务帐户资料, 您必须向我们的办公室提供税务机关收取费用以获取该信息的文件以及签名的文件, 向有关税务机关提交的纳税申报表的翻译件.

I was not married during the tax year you are asking for, do I still have to send my spouse's tax information

如果你(或你的父母)在FAFSA最初提交的那天结婚了, our office will require the tax information of your spouse.  这也适用于那些再婚的父母,而不是学生的另一个亲生父母.  请将继父母税和W2s连同其他文件一起提交.


It is a good idea to protect your sensitive information well.  如果您希望从纳税申报表中删除社会安全号码或银行账户信息, this is acceptable.  请务必在文件的某个地方注明学生的全名和身份证号,以便我们知道将其附在谁的文件上.